Word Could Not Re Establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft
- Word Could Not Re-establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Excel 2016
- Word Could Not Re-establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Access
- Word Could Not Re-establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Excel 2010
- Word Could Not Re Establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Excel
- Word Could Not Re-establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Excel 2007
I have installed several versions of SQL Server on my machine, but visual source safe insists in opening any .sql file using Sql Server 2008 management studio.
I have changed the default application for files .sql to be opened using SQL Server 2014 management studio but now when I right click any of my scripts, either to view of edit, it comes out with the message 'Error executing: DDE connection' as you can see on the picture below.
'Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to Excel to complete the current task.' I'm trying to print an address list on labels using Excel & Word and I get as. Re: re-establish a DDE connection. Until recently, merges > worked fine. User thinks a co-worker “did something to my machine.” When > she merges with some, not all, of her letters, she gets the dreaded “Word > could not re-establish a DDE connection to Microsoft Excel to complete the > current task.” > > - In Excel. Word can not re-establish a DDE connection with Excel. Famous piano songs. I am posting this because a solution I have found may help others. It appears that if an Excel spreadsheet is too large - specifically because colour has been filled infinitely across cell rows, the cell range is too large for the DDE connection. I am trying to create a mail merge in Word to connect to a query in one of my databases. I am also getting the message, 'Word could not re-establish a DDE connection to MS Access to complete the current task' I have other databases and when I try to connect to those, it works fine.
has anyone got any solution or suggesting for this?
Marcello MiorelliMarcello Miorelli1 Answer
Does this help?http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/fc0c9ac9-e8ba-41a5-9f7e-7486f7d8ea32/vss-no-longer-finds-the-registered-application-for-sql-files?forum=vssourcecontrol
Have you tried setting this extention in VSS Explorer->Tools->Options->Custom Editor?
Could you try the following?
- Rename
ft000002 and ft000003 (whichever one you have listed under OpenWithProgids) keys under HKCR
- Rename .sql record from
and from
Word Could Not Re-establish A Dde Connection To Microsoft Excel 2016
- Add just one association for .sql file using Windows explorer.
Check HKCU->Software->Microsoft->Windows->CurrentVersion->Explorer->FileExt-> OpenWithProgids You should not have ft0000xx files in there now.
Check if VSS is working as expected now if not revert the changes.